Associating Extra Details with a specified Contact


This API Call has been deprecated. Associating extra details with a specified contact is no longer allowed and only New Contacts can be created and associated with a domain while associating extra details.


Associates mandatory extra details with the specified Contact to register domain names under the TLDs below:

  • .US


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key String Required Authentication Parameter
contact-id Integer Required The Contact with which you want to associate extra details
attr-name Map[name] Required Mapping key of the extra details to be associated for the specified Contact. Refer the description of attr-value.
attr-value Map[value] Required

Mapping value of the extra details required to be associated with a particular Contact before registering a domain name. This together with attr-name shall contain the extra details.

  • To associate the Contact with a .US domain name:

    • Pipe-separated values are the Registry defined constants. Select any one of the given set of values.

      You have to mention the values where the set of pre-defined values are not provided.


      attr-name1=purpose&attr-value1={P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5}&attr-name2=category&attr-value2={C11 | C12 | C21 | C31 | C32}]

    • Following is the mapping of the .US Nexus Category (category):

      • C11: A natural person who is a United States citizen.

      • C12: A natural person who is a permanent resident of the United States of America, or any of its possessions or territories.

      • C21: A US-based organization or company (A US-based organization or company formed within one of the fifty (50) U.S. states, the District of Columbia, or any of the United States possessions or territories, or organized or otherwise constituted under the laws of a state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia or any of its possessions or territories or a U.S. federal, state, or local government entity or a political subdivision thereof).

      • C31: A foreign entity or organization (A foreign entity or organization that has a bona fide presence in the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories who regularly engages in lawful activities (sales of goods or services or other business, commercial or non-commercial, including not-for-profit relations in the United States)).

      • C32: Entity has an office or other facility in the United States.

    • Following is the mapping of the .US Nexus Application Purpose (purpose):

      • P1 : Business use for profit.

      • P2: Non-profit business, club, association, religious organization, etc.

      • P3: Personal use.

      • P4: Education purposes.

      • P5: Government purposes


      This information has to be associated with the Registrant Contact of the domain name.

product-key Array of Strings Required The product keys for which the details are to be associated. They can be one of the set (dotasia | dotca | dotcoop | dotes | dotjobs | dotnl | dotpro | dotru | domus).

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request


Returns true (Boolean) if the extra details are successfully associated with the specified Contact; false otherwise.

In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.